Few basics while working in companies
I am not good at writing. So just trying give few tips that I thought would have been helpful for me at the time of joining my office. And they are almost basics.
- Have some knowledge about version controlling system. At least the core concepts. Like pull, push, fetch, merge commands.
- Get enough confidence of using atleast one IDE totally.
- Before joining the company, gather some basic knowledge about their work and roam around those techs in internet. There will not be a lot of tech out there (applicable for our local companies only). trust me.
- Have some knowledge about debugging. How techs are debugged. Its really useful while going through a new tech.
- Build the ability to come up with solutions effectively. forget that people are going to help you in every difficulties.
- Try shaping your mind to be able to setup development environment. If you are failing to do a setup, try googling. You are not always the first person to face an error for the first time. :P
- Forget that you know everything. Just be confident on topics that you are confident with. I saw many who do's a lot of pokpok's (extra talking I mean :P) but in practical fails to do almost simple things.
- The less you are dependent on others, the more professional you are becoming.